How a Podiatrist Can Help With Common Foot Problems

Posted on: 22 November 2022

Corns, calluses and split heels are all common problems that can cause discomfort and pain. While you can often treat these problems at home, sometimes a podiatrist may need to be consulted to provide more effective treatment. Here are some ways a podiatrist can help you treat these common foot problems.

Corns and calluses

Corns and calluses are thickened areas of the skin that develop in response to pressure or friction. They usually occur on the feet but can also develop on the hands. Both corns and calluses are benign and usually painless, but they can become painful if left untreated. Podiatrists can help by trimming the thickened skin and providing padding or other support to relieve pressure on the area. In some cases, corn pads or callus cushions may be recommended to minimise friction. If corns or calluses are causing pain or interfering with activities, it is important to see a podiatrist for treatment. With proper care, corns and calluses can be prevented or effectively managed.

Split heels

Split heels, also known as heel fissures, are cracks that develop in the skin of the heel. They are usually caused by dry skin or wearing ill-fitting shoes. Split heels can be painful and may bleed. If you have split heels, a podiatrist may recommend a cream or ointment to help heal the cracks and prevent them from getting worse. The podiatrist may also recommend changing your shoes or wearing heel cups or other forms of support in order to protect your heels from further injury. In most cases, you can successfully treat split heels with home care measures. However, in some cases, the cracks may become infected. See your podiatrist immediately if the skin displays any signs of infection, such as swelling, redness or pus drainage.

Ingrowing toenails

An ingrown toenail can result in a lot of discomfort. They occur when a sharp edge of a toenail begins to grow into the skin, usually on the side or corner of the nail. An ingrown toenail may be painful and red; in some cases, it may become infected. If you have an ingrown toenail, a podiatrist can help by removing the nail and providing treatment for any infection. In severe cases or if you have recurrent ingrown toenails, the podiatrist may recommend a permanent procedure to permanently remove part of the nail.


If you have corns, calluses or split heels, a podiatrist can help you treat these common foot problems effectively so you can find relief from discomfort and pain. If you would like to find out more, contact a podiatrist today. For more information, contact a podiatrist near you.


The marathoner's foot

I deal with my stress by running away from it. That's the joke I always tell people about why I started running marathons at least. It's the best time in my week and the only place I feel truly at peace, pounding away on a long run. Of course while a marathon is great to run, it's damaging to the body. There is nothing pretty about a marathoner's foot - we have nails peel off and bruising and tapes everywhere. I've had all sorts of injuries, and my podiatrist is part of my unofficial marathon support crew! This site is an ode to the marathoner's feet, how to protect them and how to support them so that they can support you.